网名推荐: 个性网名 情侣网名 伤感网名 女生网名 男生网名 英文网名
签名推荐: 伤感个性签名 超拽个性签名 情侣个性签名 搞笑个性签名 微信个性签名 英文个性签名
说说推荐: 伤感说说 心情说说 说说带图片 空间说说 空间说说 搞笑说说 爱情说说 自动回复


围观: 归属:英文个性签名 时间:2015-02-26 12:10



★here are some things gradually disappear


★There are some things gradually disappear


★Know unreliable but to jump in

★明知道不牢靠 但还是往里跳

★Treasure is not true


★Good for you to see remember who was bitten

★看清对你好的 记得被谁咬了

★I just hope all you and I meet is not a coincidence


★Cold will run out of a person some enthusiasm


★I never dare not to think of myself too important


★I thought said forget will forget how free and easy easy

★我以为说忘记就忘记 多么洒脱容

★The rainbow is her smile

★那一道彩虹 是她灿烂笑容

★Don't say give up easily


★ome things have to pretend to smile


★You run away slowly I gradually let go


★I am afraid you will forget me


★I'm very strange But I'm not bad

★我很怪 但我不坏

★Time www.name2012.com can dilute all


★The heart like sea you call I how to let go


★How do injustice to want to cry suddenly finally only I a person


★I want to accompany in your side With or without tomorrow

★我想陪在你身边 不管有没有明天

★I won't force south to north line with me


★Love does not open his mouth just precious


★You can only belong to me


★The night is always the past Rainy days always clear up

★黑夜总会过去 雨天总会放晴

★Waiting for you to love me even if only once is enough

★等你爱我 哪怕只有一次也就足够

★The best relationship will be born in the elaborate bifurcation


★Don't always give me a knife and wipe medicine for me


★Don't mention and how she good anyway, I don't want to know

★别提及她怎么好 反正我不想知道

★Hope that you are well A bit silly me

★别来无恙 傻得我念旧

★The most afraid of your stinginess
