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围观: 归属:英文网名 时间:2015-05-25 09:55

几分真情. ❤ A bit of the truth.

念与. ❤ Read and.

初见红了脸 ❤ The first red face

独倚高楼 ❤ The tall building

烬骨 ❤ Ember bone

反复思量 ❤ Repeatedly consider

笑眼醉人 ❤ Intoxicating smile

等你来启 ❤ Wait for you to start.

深情伴你 ❤ Love with you

一场笑话 ❤ A joke

满腔一勇 ❤ Filled with courage

独挽清风. ❤ The only breeze.

不入你心 ❤ Not into your heart

你似远方 ❤ You are far away

飘忽的眼神 ❤ Erratic eyes

你漂亮如初 ❤ You are beautiful.

不用分离 ❤ Separation without

清梦伴他 ❤ Dream with him



夏未央 ❤ Xia Weiyang

来不及 ❤ Too late

岁月如故 ❤ Time.

与你情深 ❤ With your love

如果你说 ❤ If you say

清茶 ❤ Green tea

风在吹 ❤ The wind is blowing

怎能完美 ❤ How can perfection

终点太远。 ❤ Too far.

旧行李 ❤ Old baggage

南故笙烟 ❤ The South Sheng smoke

还未沉睡 ❤ Not sleeping

久治不愈. ❤ Permanently.

长街旧人. ❤ The Strip.

深言 ❤ Deep words

孤军奋战 ❤ Fight a lone battle

醉心微笑 ❤ With a smile

最疼的疼是原谅 ❤ The pain is to forgive

比酒长情 ❤ Longer than wine

这样无知 ❤ Such ignorance

饱满幸福 ❤ Full happiness

最怕落单 ❤ The most afraid of.