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围观: 归属:个性签名超拽 时间:2015-06-28 10:49



1、When you are alone, be kind to yourself. When you are together with another one, be kind to your counterpart. 一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

2、Every day is a new day, face and live with smile, we will have unexpected harvest!————每一天都是崭新的,微笑地面对生活,我们将会有意想不到的收获!

3、Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.那些让你痛不欲生的事情能让你变得更强。


5、You can’t always control what happens to you in a game or in life, but you can control how you respond—you should never quit.无论游戏还是人生,你都无法控制你会遭遇什么,但你却可以决定如何回应,你应该永不放弃。

6、Whether it’s a friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.无论是友情还是爱情,都建立在信任的基础上,没了信任,就没有一切。

7、In the ways of life every trauma is a mature, every loss is a gain.——生命里的每一次创伤都是一种成熟,每一次失去都是一种获得。

8、Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ------家是一个你年轻时想离开,年纪大了又想要回归的地方。

9、Take some time, always see something. With some things, always see some people. --------花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。

10、While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。


12、Childhood is like being drunk.Everyone remembers what you did,except you.童年如同醉酒一般,所有人都记得你做了什么,唯独你忘了。

13、To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. 爱自己是毕生浪漫的开始。

14、Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.事情或许会在眨眼之间发生变化,但是不用担心,上帝从不眨眼。

15、Now your position is not important, the important thing is that you the way forward. ————现在的你的位置并不重要,重要的是你前进的方向。

16、I want you to be the person who makes me believe in true love. ——我希望你成为那个让我相信真爱的人。


18、Language many times are false, together through the thing is the most real. ---------语言很多的时候都很虚假,一起经历的事情才最真实。

19、Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.让自己去爱,挣脱束缚,让目光高远。


21、Obstacles are put in your way to see if what you want is really worth fighting for. 人生道路上的障碍是为了考验你的追求是否值得你为之而奋斗。

22、Feeling tired, perhaps you are in the life the uphill road. Keep walking, you will find that reached the another height.感觉累的时候,也许你正处于人生的上坡路。坚持走下去,你就会发现到达了人生的另一个高度。

23、Don't waste time with regret. ——别把时间都浪费在后悔上了。

24、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world——知足是人生在世最大的幸事。

25、Always want to be a quiet walker, in the deepest in the world of mortals guarding their own, hold the original muddled and joy.一直想做个安静的行者,在最深的红尘里守着自己,守住最初的懵懂和欣喜。

26、Practice heart world weathered, changes in temperature, all words, leave some leeway, know well, happy, bitter, cicadas.世事风霜,冷暖练心,一切言语,留几分余地,知恩,知足,知苦,知了。(延参法师)

27、In the past no longer ,come back no longer perfect. Years wrinkle the skin, settle, is unable to declare the emotion.过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。岁月苍老了容颜,沉淀下来的,是无法述说的情感。

28、Know nothing about the world, go on, will be pleasantly surprised.一无所知的世界,走下去,才会有惊喜。

29、Born in the crevice, fragrance not rest, life is always so.————生于缝隙,芬芳不息,人生亦是永远如此。

30、The world is big, the scenery is beautiful, opportunity many, life is short, don't curled up on a small piece of shadows ————世界很大、风景很美、机会很多、人生很短,不要蜷缩在一小块阴影里。


32、Others again not perfect, can not be copied. As long as the effort to do their best, life enough.别人再好,也是别人。我虽不完美,不可复制。只要努力去做最好的自己,一生足矣。

33、A good to love, to life. Remember, every day the sun is new, don't failed to live up to good morning light.——好好去爱,去生活。记住,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光。

34、God gave you a lonely road, not in order to bring you to the desert, but to let you go to your peak.上帝给你一条荒凉的路,不是为了把你带到沙漠里,而是为了让你走上属于自己的巅峰。


36、Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.莫将进入自己幸福之门的钥匙放在别人的口袋中。

37、Remember God would never take something away from you without the intention of replacing it with something much better—— 老天从你身上拿走一样东西,一定是在想着要给你更好的。


39、True happiness is, you only let themselves once, can enjoy the present happiness.——真正的幸福就是,你只有放过曾经的自己,才能享受眼前的快乐。

40、Life, the best, perhaps is not necessarily the most suitable for us, the most appropriate, is really the best. ————人生,最好的,或许不一定是最适合我们的,最合适的,才是真正最好的。

41、The only constant is change the world, anything, the thought of going to do, never to wait and delay. ------这个世界唯一不变的就是变化,任何事情,想到了就要去做,永远不要去等待和拖延。

42、Life is like a sea. Only can a strong-willed person reach the opposite shore.——生活就像海洋, 只有意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。

43、Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep.——想你时不想睡去,梦到你时不想醒来。

44、No matter how far, also can come to an end; No matter how deep the pain, there will be the end of the day.不管多远的路,也能走到尽头;不论多深的痛苦,也会有结束的一天。

45、For it is only in that distant place, you can put the noisy world behind.或许我们走那么远,不是为了看风景,而是为了去天地的尽头会一会自己。只有在那样遥远的地方,你才能把喧嚣的人世抛在身后。
