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basketball hoop

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
basketball hoop发音

basketball hoop



basketball court───篮球场

basketball game───篮球比赛;篮球运动

basketball team───篮球队

baseball cap───棒球帽



basketball player───n.篮球选手;篮球球员

basketball players───n.篮球选手;篮球球员

baseball bat───棒球棒


Left, right, left, right, whack! How come I nearly hit the badminton ball into a basketball hoop?───左,右,左,右,啪!我怎么都快把羽毛球打进篮球筐?

It's raining outside, your friends are at home, and you have no basketball hoop.───现在外面在下雨,你的朋友都在家,你连个篮框都没有。

The Basketball hoop is beyond my reach.───我的手无法触及这篮球框.


I aimed at the basketball hoop, and gently took the shot. The ball smoothly completed an arc, and came right into the hoop.

A lengthened locating plate is arranged at the back of a backboard, and the backboard can not be pressed to ensure that the basketball hoop plane can keep vertical to the backboard forever.

Another reader decided to save himself money by buying a used basketball hoop and bracket and then constructing his own post and backboard.

I'm from a small town in Indiana, and when I was growing up, almost every family in town had a basketball hoop in front of their house.

On Christmas Eve, I pulled out the box containing the basketball hoop and studied the assembly instructions.

The utility model belongs to a basketball sport facility, which in detail relates to an equal strength basketball hoop.

That problem won't be solved by dropping $500 on a basketball hoop that attaches to the back of your vehicle(sentencedict.com/basketball hoop.html), but I guess it'll keep your stress levels down.

Birdie: We now got everything a dressing room needs accept a basketball hoop.

The Basketball hoop is beyond my reach.
