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want to come

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
want to come发音

want to come



await the outcome───等待结果

to come───未来地;将到来的

want a job───想找份工作吗

warm welcome───热烈欢迎

giant tortoise───(动物)巨型陆龟(Geochelone)

close to home───触到痛处;说得太露骨;感同身受

giant tortoises───(动物)巨型陆龟(Geochelone)


annuity income───年金收入


We're going to a club tonight. Do you want to come with us?───今晚我们要去俱乐部,你想和我们一起去吗?

If you don't want to come, fair enough, but let Bill know.───你要是不想来,可以,不过要让比尔知道。

anyone else want to come?───还有人想来吗?

No one ever really came to visit us in Madrid, whereas everyone seems to want to come out here to see us.───在马德里的时候,没有人来看望我们,不过在这里好像很多人都愿意结识我们。

If everyone at work is going out on Friday evening then ask anyone who may not know if they want to come along as well.───如果每个人只是星期五晚上才出去,那么问任何你能不认识的人是否愿意也一同前往。

To propel your career, you want to come out of a higher degree as a recognized individual having made a significant scientific contribution.───为了促进你自己事业的发展,你想获得一个更高的学位,并被公认对科学发展做出了重大的贡献。

mom, did you know about this? Yes, and I'd like to go, But only if you want to come, too.───妈,你早就知道了么?是的,而且我觉得不错,当然如果你也愿意的话。

Although some do not want to come home, we are glad to see that there are more overseas learners chosen to work at home than before.───虽然有些人不想回家,但是使我们高兴的是现在选择回国的留学生比以前多了。

I was afraid, and a little excited, too. 'But, my lord, you can't do this! 'I said. 'I don't want to come with you now. '───我很害怕,又有点儿激动。“可是,我的勋爵,你不能这样做!”我说。“我不能现在就跟你走。”


Do you want to come in on the deal?

Does anyone else want to come?

I wouldn't want to come here at night.

Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?

They all want to come to the wedding.

'Do you want to come, too?' 'Yes, that would be nice.'

'I never want to come here again,' he muttered to himself.

It's my impression that he doesn't want to come.

Do you want to come round for lunch?
