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soybean paste

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
soybean paste发音

soybean paste




copy and paste───复制和粘贴

copied and paste───复制和粘贴

copies and paste───复制和粘贴

soft paste───幼陶器

soybean milk───豆浆

soybean milks───豆浆

soybean oil───豆油

soybean oils───豆油



The technical problem that the invention solves is to provide a delicious and nutritious soybean paste.───本发明解决的技术问题是提供一种味道鲜美、营养丰富的大豆酱.

Zygosaccharomyces Rouxii and Candida play an important role in the fermentation of soybean paste.───鲁氏酵母和球拟酵母是黄豆酱发酵过程中风味形成的重要微生物之一.

This article introduces the producing method of sweet soybean paste.───该文介绍了甜面酱的制作方法.

And It is a private - owned enterprises, specialized production of sweetened soybean paste and hot pepper sauce.───是一家专门生产甜面酱及含油辣椒酱的私营独资企业.

My familiar tastes are of dried squid, salted anchovies, pungent soybean paste.───我熟悉鱿鱼干 、 盐腌凤尾鱼 、 辛辣豆瓣酱的口味.

Results: After screening and confirmatory tests, detect type a botulinum toxin in soybean paste.───结果:经过初筛及验证试验,在大酱中检出了A型肉毒毒素。

Now, in stores, soybean paste, hot pepper sauce and soy sauce can be seen everywhere.───现在,在商店里,大酱、辣椒酱和酱油随处可见。

Mao huai entrance Miantian sweet soybean paste, nutrient - rich, either raw food, but also Jiapin cooking seasoning.───槐茂甜面酱入口绵甜, 营养丰富, 既可生食, 又是烹饪的调味佳品.

The invention also discloses a preparation method of the soybean paste wine.───本发明还公开了一种大酱酒的制备方法。

Baoding sweet soybean paste made from high quality flour and brewing.───保定的甜面酱由优质面粉酿造而成.


And It is a private - owned enterprises, specialized production of sweetened soybean paste and hot pepper sauce.

Guarantee access to natural bacteria completely and fully, in the process of dressing for hyphae and spores guarantee the existence of the Northecost farmers key to the quality of soybean paste.

Effect of microwave sterilization on texture characteristics of pork with sweet soybean paste was studied by texture profile analysis.
