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pent up demand

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
pent up demand发音

pent up demand



meet demand───满足要求

peak demand───最高要求

constant demand───恒定需求

outstrip demand───超过需求

excess demand───[经]超额需求

final demand───[贸易]最终需求

in demand───受欢迎的;非常需要的;销路好;有需要

on demand───见票即付;[经]即期

peak demands───最高要求


Consumers are not the spent force they are elsewhere so there ought to be some pent-up demand.───消费者的购买力也不是别处一般的强弩之末,所以应该存在一些被压抑的需求可以释放。

Despite what so many founders of startups think, there is no pent-up demand for their products from customers ready to pounce.───不管那些初创企业的创办者如何去想,客户对其产品并没有潜在的需求供其发动突然袭击。

pent up demand for smart phones: Just 11% use them at work?───对智能手机需求不大:只有11%的人在工作中使用。

But if consumer spending is already rising strongly in Asia, there is little pent-up demand ready to explode.───不过,如果亚洲消费已经在强劲增长,就不会存在大量受抑制的需求有待释放。

Harrington said he estimates that new rules could see a pent up demand for big brands to advertise on Weibo.───哈林顿说,他估计新规定会使大品牌公司对在新浪微博做广告产生潜在的需求。

Right now, the pent-up demand due to age of vehicles is what's keeping this nice, steady, slow growth going.───眼下,由于车龄被压抑的需求,使这个情况变好,稳定,缓慢增长。

But he argues this phenomenon is creating "pent-up" demand that will be released and result in a strong rebound in 2008.───但他认为,这种现象正创造“被压抑”的需求,这种需求将于2008年得到释放,并带动住宅市场强劲回升。

Still, the speed with which pent-up demand for credit has been unleashed has analysts worried.───不过被压抑贷款需求的释放速度已令分析人士感到担忧。


Tack on building pent up demand and the new bull crowd thesis comes into focus.
