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handy tips

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
handy tips发音

handy tips



handy tip───方便的小费


handy hint───方便的提示

hand axes───手斧

hand guns───手枪(handgun的名词复数)

hand in───交上;提交;呈送

hand jobs───手淫

hand lens───放大镜(等于handglass)

hand logs───手提计程仪


Follow there handy tips and see the results for yourself.───跟着这些手边的帮助,自己看看最后结果。

What are your handy tips for bike home security?───你的自行车家庭安全需知是什么呢?

Here are a few handy tips to help ease the pain.───这里有几个好用小费帮助减轻痛苦。

Hang out with cheerful, goal-oriented people, you'll not only get plenty of encouragement, you can also get some handy tips.───与精神愉快、目标明确的人一起出去,你不仅会获得大量鼓励,还会得到一些如何变得有规划和高效的建议。

Listed below are handy tips building optimized Web pages, as well as pitfalls to avoid.───以下列出的是构建优化的Web页面的实用技巧以及应该避免的一些隐患。

This is a set of handy tips for producing reading notes and abstract. It includes a range of styles, from brief to extended notes.───本栏提供一组随身秘笈以制作阅读笔记及摘要。其中包含自简单至繁复笔记纪录之样式。

Teacher X's writing gives your handy tips and bits and pieces of information for easy learning of English.───信老师的东西能给你带来一些实用的指点,以及各种各样的内容,来帮助你的英语学习更容易入门。

Discover some handy tips for improving your UNIX blogging skills.───探索一些用于改进UNIX博客创作技能的便利技巧。


The associated language analysis is useful as a reference work and set of handy tips.

On page 26 we suggest handy tips for teaching her to dress herself.

Any handy tips for good, strong growth, please?

All it takes is some imagination to think up handy tips to help other producers.
