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departure for

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
departure for发音

departure for



departure board───出发时间牌

departure tax───离境税

departure boards───出发时间牌

departure platform───发车站台;出发站台

departure date───启程日期;离开日期

departure gate───登机口

departure time───出发时间;撤离时刻;[航]起飞时刻




He believed in a strong central state, which was a real departure for him from the rest of the pro-slavery writers.───他相信有个强大的中央政府,这对他来说是真正地背离其他支持奴隶制的作家。

Their latest single represents a new departure for the band.───他们最新出版的单曲唱片体现了这支乐队的新尝试。

And I know it is just a point of departure for the next journey.───不过我清楚这才是另一段旅程的开始。

Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his extreme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me.───亲爱的玛丽,我向您坦白承认,虽说他十分年轻,但是他这次从军却使我感到极大的痛苦。

She left the rest of its contents to be disposed of by the auctioneer and took her departure for the Continent.───她把其余的一切交给拍卖商处理,动身前往欧洲大陆了。

JOSEPH and I had been getting everything ready for my departure for about an hour, when there was a violent ringing at my door.───约瑟夫和我为了我动身做准备,忙了约莫一小时了,这时候有人在门口使劲地拉铃。

For active or passive left the company, we recommend that enterprises the best being a departure for an interview.───对于主动或被动离开公司的人,我们建议企业最好对他们进行一次离职面试。

Mrs. Clinton decided to delay her departure for the Persian Gulf to Saturday from Friday to be with her husband.───希拉里决定推迟她周六去波斯湾的行程,而从周五开始就陪伴在他丈夫身边。

This would be a departure for her because she buys "20 or 30 new books a year, all paperback, all fiction" .───这有点违背她的消费习惯,她一般每年购买20到30本新书,不过都是平装本。


This marks a departure for LaudaAir.

The hot weather antedated my departure for Beidaihe.

This is a massive departure for the Kings Of Simulation, and has many original features.

Nor is this an entirely new departure for Morrison.

Working on a farm is a new departure for him.

Their latest single represents a new departure for the band.

I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia.

Jefferson Square is an ambitious departure for Habitat.

Let's take'Das Kapital'as a point of departure for our survey of Marxism.
