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comes at a price

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
comes at a price发音

comes at a price




at a price───以很高的代价;以较高的价格

cost price───成本价格

cheap price───低价

come to a boil───沸腾

come to grief───遭难,失败

come to grips───(认真)对付(或处理)

come to life───苏醒;表现生动;振作起来

contract price───[贸易]合约价格;发包价格

cover price───标价


But flexibility comes at a price.───但灵活性是要付出代价的。

That growth comes at a price.───这种增长是有代价的。

Fame comes at a price.───成名是要付出代价的。

But convenience eating comes at a price: McDonald's must be held at least partly responsible for the supersizing of American waistlines.───麦当劳食品必须为美国人腰围的超级肥大负责,至少要负部分责任。

I had private insurance, Medicaid, other government aid programs, but all that support comes at a price: they control you.───我有私人保险,医疗补助还有其他政府的帮助项目。但所有这些支持是有代价的:它们束缚了你。

'News of the World has a reputation for breaking big stories and that comes at a price, ' she said.───她说,“《世界新闻》一向享有披露重大新闻的美誉,而这也需要付出代价。”

Still, all this Java discussion comes at a price: The Rails concepts are less effectively discussed.───尽管如此,该Java讨论以很高的代价进行:Rails的概念讨论起来不太有效。

But generality comes at a price: the interface that results might not be the best for every specialization.───不过通用性是有代价的:其接口对于各种特殊情况来说不一定是最好的。

But this comes at a price: less light enters the camera, causing the image to be underexposed.───但这会带来另一个问题:进入照相机的光线更少,以至于不能感光。


But, as with most regulatory changes, greater safety comes at a price.

As so often in life, the best comes at a price.

But convenience comes at a price.

Fame comes at a price.
