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it has a head

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
it has a head发音

it has a head



with half a heart───半颗心

pushes ahead───向前推进

steams ahead───前方有蒸汽

discharge head───输送压头

base head───可卡因瘾君子;吸服强效纯可卡因者

by a head───一头之差;相距极近

erase head───清洗磁头,抹音头

forges ahead───继续进行,取得进展

gets ahead───获得成功;取得进步;走在前面


It has a head, but no neck.───它有头,没有颈。

It has a head, but no neck. It has a body, but no warmth, no feet, but can travel?───它有头,但没脖子;有身体,却没温度;没有脚,但是能旅行。它是什么?

It has a head, but no neck. It has a body, but no warmth. No feet, but can travel?───它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。

It has a head, but no neck. It has a body, but no warmth. NO feet, but can travel?───它有头,但没脖子;有身体,却没温度;没有脚,但是能旅行。它是什么?

What sets it apart from the others is it has a head start.───它之所以显得与众不同的是因为它有先行一步的优势。
