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seek through

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
seek through发音

seek through



see through───看穿

seen through───看穿

sees through───看穿

sleep through───睡着一直什么也没听见;也没被唤醒或惊醒


seeing through───看穿;看破;看透

sleeps through───睡着一直什么也没听见;也没被唤醒或惊醒

squeak through───勉强成功;勉强通过;险胜

break through───突破;突围;有重要创见


Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere.───就是找遍全世界, 也找不到像这样的地方.

Which seek through the world, is never met with elsewhere.───就是找遍全世界,也找不到像这样的地方。

Can look for a song, the appearance that can seek through this song is similar.───能够找一首歌曲, 通过这首歌可以找的相类似.

The official said the Japanese government will seek through the high-level talks with the Chinese government to resolve this problem.───该官员称日本政府将寻求通过与中国政府开展高层会谈来解决这一问题。

But why does our mind do that? Why does it manage to help us? What benefit does it seek through its wish fulfilling action?───但是,为什么我们的意识要那么做呢?为什么它要设法帮助我们呢?通过实现愿望的行动它能得到什么好处呢?

The room grew light and dark, and wonderous light again, as the moon played hide-and-seek through the clouds.───房间时而变亮时而变暗,然后又像变魔术般的变亮,因为月亮在云彩里玩着捉迷藏。


Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.

Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere.

What benefit does it seek through its wish fulfilling action?

Which seek through the world, is never met with elsewhere.

The official said the Japanese government will seek through the high-level talks with the Chinese government to resolve this problem.

The case was sought through.

Ideas about representing the structure of energy and movement were sought through experimentation with new materials and light.

Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

Analyzing what an organization seems to seek through its job postings, and then evaluating whether you comply with their requirements, which is an essential step.
