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shared memory

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
shared memory发音

shared memory




shared history───共享的历史

core memory───[计]磁心存储器;磁芯存储器

screen memory───[心理]屏蔽记忆;屏幕存储器

stir a memory───唤起记忆

short-term memory───短时记忆;短期存储器

recovered memory───n.复原的记忆

shared resources───共享资源

buffer memory───缓冲存储器;[计]超高速缓冲存储器

cache memory───[计]高速缓冲存储器;快取记忆体


Defined a Shared memory pool.───定义一个共享内存池。

This includes pipes, semaphores, and shared memory.───这包括管道, 信号, 和共享内存.

Allocating the shared - memory pool from its dual - ported memory ( in some configurations ) .───从端口内存中 分配共享 内存池.

Interprocess communication is not allowed. This includes pipes, semaphores, and shared memory.───进程内通讯不可以.这包括管道, 信号, 和共享内存.

Through shared memory to achieve inter - process communication!───通过共享内存实现进程间的通信!

Shared memory can be the solution.───所以共享内存可以作为一种解决方法.

Shared memory queue is designed to ensure the accuracy of data acquisition and transmitting system . 4.───为确保采集转发系统的精确性,设计了共享内存队列来满足系统的要求.

Initializing the shared - memory pool and the shared - memory anchor.───初始化共享内存池和共享内存锚.

There are two types of shared memory: global shared memory and separate shared memory.───存在两种类型的共享内存: 全局共享内存和单独的共享内存.

Shared memory provides the fastest method of interprocess communication, because it processes read and write messages at the speed of memory transfers.───共享内存提供了最快的进程间通信方法,因为它以内存传输的速度来处理读写消息。

This project studies high - performance and high - reliability shared memory computing enviroment on cluster.───本项目主要研究机群系统高性能、高可靠的共享存储计算环境.

Shared memory multi - threaded parallel computing code matrices.───C代码.共享式存储多线程并行计算矩阵相乘代码.

This class stores the Shared memory identifier.───这个类存储共享内存标识符。

Shared Memory Inter Process Communicatio - There are quit many forms of IPC.───有很多IPC窗口,我扩展了命名管道的使用.

The parallel restricted genetic algorithm based on shared memory is discussed.───讨论了基于共享存储的并行狭义遗传算法.

Using shared memory communication between multi - threading.───利用共享内存实现多线程间通信.

These fields describe the shared memory used by the device to communicate with the kernel.───这两个字段标识设备与内核共享的内存段.

The location of the shared - memory pool depends on the system configuration.───共享内存池的位置取决于系统配置.


Through shared memory to achieve inter - process communication!

Using shared memory communication between multi - threading.

No one can understand the hurt and pain of life, not a time to be able to recover, I can only share memory protection.

This includes pipes, semaphores, and shared memory.

But what does shared memory and private memory mean?

The machine shop left hundreds of thousands of men with shared memories: The whirring and flapping of the belts.

Shared memory can be the solution.

Shared memory multi - threaded parallel computing code matrices.

This paper introduces fundamental and excellencies of shared memory network and reveals its limitations of serial transmission and so on used in the helicopter engineering simulator.
