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scraps of food

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
scraps of food发音

scraps of food



morsel of food───一小块食物

logs of wood───原木


staple food───主食;主粮

absorption of food───食物吸收

abundance of food───食物量

artisan food───手工食品

cat food───猫的食物;猫粮

cheap food───便宜的食物


At first I couldn't believe it. At home, usually I would have to sit on the floor and eat scraps of food.───一开始,我甚至不能相信,在家的时候,我一般都是坐在地板上吃残羹剩饭。

Wilbur's appetite had increased; he was beginning to eat scraps of food in addition to milk. Mr.───韦伯的胃口增加了,他除了牛奶外还要吃磨碎的食物。

I'll see if I can scare up a meal from the scraps of food in the kitchen.───我去看看能否把厨房里的残羹剩饭凑成一顿饭菜。

The pockets of his greatcoat are filled with scraps of food brought from England, the proof, he says, that the British tried to poison him.───他厚厚的大衣口袋里装满了从英格兰带回来的食物残渣,并称之为英国试图毒害他的证据。

he was beginning to eat scraps of food in addition to milk. Mr.───而且威尔伯的饭量也增加了,除了牛奶,它还开始吃一些食物的碎屑。


The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.

A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth.

We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food.

The pockets of his greatcoat are filled with scraps of food brought from England, the proof, he says, that the British tried to poison him.

They moved from village to village begging scraps of food.

At the front of the cage was a dish with a few scraps of food in it.
