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literary figure

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
literary figure发音

literary figure





legendary figure───传奇人物

literary genre───文学体裁

solitary figure───孤独的身影

literary editors───文学编辑

literary fiction───文学虚构

literary history───[语]文学史

dietary fibre───饮食纤维素

lateral fissure───外侧裂

lay figure───人体活动模型


AQ is literary figure.───q是一个文学形象。

I began to think about William Shakespeare, the great literary figure.───我开始想到文学界的伟大人物威廉·莎士比亚。

He was Germany's greatest literary figure, and he had words for every human situation---for every emotion of the human heart.───他(歌德)是德国最伟大的文学大师,他写出了人世间的各种境遇——人心中的各种感情。

The molding of literary figure is mainly embodied by describing the portrait, language, thought, environment and scenery.───文学形象的塑造主要是通过对人物的肖像、语言和思维描写以及对人物所处环境和景物的描写来体现的。

Su Manshu, a legendary literary figure in modern China, is famous for his poems, novels and paintings.───苏曼殊是我国近代文学史上著名的诗人、小说家、画家,同时又是一位卓有成就的翻译家。

As a trans-century literary figure, he has experienced historical changes and established his life attitude and academic position.───作为跨世纪并跨越新旧社会的文学家,他经历了历史性变革并确立了自己的人生态度和学术立场。

is a brief reference to a famous historical or literary figure or event.───对著名历史时间或是文学人物事件的简要介绍。

Without ambiguity of literary language, will have not literary figure's life.───可以说没有文学语言的模糊性,就没有文学形象的生命。


Benjamin Disraeli is a British Conservative statesman and literary figure.

But Bosch was essentially a literary figure.

This literary figure vividly interprets the evolution changing from necromancy to Taoism, and mainly shows the successive change from necromancer novels to Taoist novels.

He wears flamboyant clothes more suited to a rock star than a literary figure.
