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od for

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
od for发音

od for



do for───毁坏;代替;对…有效

good for───有效的;会产生;有支付…能力的

hold for───保温时间是…;适用

did for───毁坏;代替;对…有效

now for───现在为

out for───寻求;力图要;决心要获得

O! for───哦!对于

as for───关于,至于

go for───去找;被认为;主张;拥护;努力获取


CAD meth od for ceramic capacitance pressure transducer is studied.───本文研讨了一种新型陶瓷电容压力传感器的CAD方法。

Through detecting chemical concentration in vivo MRS provides a new meth- od for earlier and specific diagnosis and monitoring curative effects of liver lesions.───从探测活体组织化合物浓度入手,为肝脏疾病的更早期、更特异诊断和疗效监测方面提供了新方法。

are several options for od, such as the -a option to control the radix of the file offsets and -t to control the form of the displayed file contents.───od提供了若干选项,比如- a选项可以控制文件偏移的基数,而- t选项可以控制显示的文件内容的形式。

Describe what you can remember about the Olympics in 2008. Explain why they were go od for China.───请描述你记忆中的2008年奥运会。请解释为什么奥运会对中国有益。四级北京英语水平考试一级、

Study on Component Synthesis and Input Shaping Active Vibration Suppression Meth od for Flexible Structures───挠性结构的输入成形与分力合成主动振动抑制方法研究

The Operation Meth od for Fittings of Hydraulic System───液压系统配管的施工工法
