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school uniform

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
school uniform发音

school uniform



school uniforms───校服

Scout uniform───童子军制服

Scout uniforms───童子军制服

school figure───规定图形;学校人物

school life───学校生活

school night───上学的晚上

school nights───上学的晚上

school prom───学校舞会

school record───学习成绩


She's already outgrown her school uniform.───她已经长得连校服都不能穿了。

I sewed tabs with my name on in all my school uniform.───我在我的每件校服上都缝上一块写有我名字的布片.

Try to design a school uniform that you like.───设计一套你喜欢的校服.

Today is Monday. You're supposed to put on school uniform.───今天是星期一, 必须穿校服.

He was in a school uniform but I'm sure it was Du - shik!───他穿着学校制服但我肯定那是头植!

British schoolboys sometimes wear caps, ie as part of their school uniform.───英国男生有时候戴制服帽(校服的一部分).

They were in school uniform.───他们穿着校服。

The school uniform consists of cream pants and a blue shirt.───校服包括乳白色的裤子和蓝色的衬衫.

Only students in proper school uniform may enter School Library.───学生必须穿上整齐校服,始准进入本校图书馆.

hat is part of the school uniform.───帽子是校服的一部分。

The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform.───校长就制作新校服的想法作了说明.

All participants should wear proper school uniform and attend the ceremony.───所有参加者必须穿著整齐校服出席杰出学生嘉许礼.

All the students must be dressed in school uniform on Monday.───星期一所有的学生都必须穿校服.

I think the school uniform of China is too traditional.───我认为中国的校服是太传统的.

Her sister said the victim changed back into her school uniform in the car.───她姐姐说受害者在车里换回校服.

Can't imagine her in school uniform, but I suppose the miracle will be apparent tomorrow.───真 想不出她穿上学校制服是个什么模样, 可是我想这奇迹到明天就会分晓.

She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform.───她大概会为穿上校服而感到非常得意。


She's already outgrown her school uniform.

All school uniform should be clearly marked with the child's name.

I don't like the color of our school uniform.

The school uniform is quasi-military in style.

He was still wearing his school uniform .

This makes the wearing of school uniform difficult.

The hat is part of the school uniform.

She was wearing the regulation school uniform.

He thinks that wearing school uniform depersonalizes children.
