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you can go

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
you can go发音

you can go



you can talk───你可以说话

you can't win───你赢不了的

touch and go───快速的行动;一触即发的形势

you can't talk───你不能说话

you name it───凡是你能说出的

mountain goat───北美野山羊;野生白山羊

young manager───年轻的经理

you can keep it───你可以留着

Duncan I───邓肯一世


You can go right now for all I care.───你现在就可以走,我才不管呢。

You can go boating or play tennis.───你可以去划船,也可以打网球。

right, Bob. You can go now.───鲍勃,就这样吧。你现在可以走了。

If you were promised a raise that did not materialize, you can go back to see if you can get it now.───如果有人曾经允诺给你升迁,但并没有落实,你可以再去看看现在你是否能得到它。

From this point you can go through and accept or reject changes as you could normally.───之后,可以按正常过程进行接受或拒绝改变的操作。

Or you can go right to the source code history and use a utility like StatCVS to see what changes have been made and who made them.───或者可以直接进入源代码历史记录,用StatCVS这样的工具查看曾做过哪些记录,这些记录是谁修改的。

You can go into any room and there's a member of staff there ready to give you a programme that's specific to you.───你进到任何一个房间里,那儿都会有工作人员随时准备提供给你专门适合你的服务。

"You know what, I had two offensive fouls tonight, three last night, two at the Minnesota game . . . and you can go on, " Yao said.───你们知道,今晚我有两个进攻犯规,昨晚3个,在森林狼2个…你可以在往前数。

'But I'm never sure of you. You can go away and change as easily as if you had no soul.───我永远摸不透你。你能离去,没魂似的随意改变。


If you finish early you can go home.

You can go anywhere you want, within reason.

You can go boating or play tennis.

You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.

We can't go there today. You can go another day.

All right, Bob. You can go now.

You can go there by yourself.

You can go by express train.
