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as mean

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
as mean发音

as mean



I mean───我是说;我的意思是

as many───一样多

no mean───很好的;不平常的;难度大的

to mean───意思

easy meat───易辨的事;容易吃亏上当的人

bar meal───酒吧餐

gas main───煤气总管

mass men───易受大众传媒影响的人

to meane───是卑鄙的


that mean as you exit a course like this?───当你退出像这样的一节课,那意味着什么?

What do you mean, I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are.───你什么意思啊,我有足够的钱?我和你一样一文不名。

They're also commonly viewed as mean, stupid and unhappy.───他们还常常被看作是说:愚蠢和不幸。

When it came to money, all her friendly promises counted for little; she was as mean as Shylock.───当涉及到金钱时,她所有那些友好的允诺就变得无关紧要了;她和夏洛克一样吝啬。

We are mean , that's what's the matter with us , dukes and dust men , the whole human species-as mean as caterpillars .───我们都是卑鄙的,这就是我们的症结所在,公爵和清道夫、整个民族都跟毛毛虫一样卑鄙。

It is still the case that no one wants to be seen as mean, but the game of chicken is now the other way round.───没有人希望被视为吝啬鬼,这仍是事实,但是“胆小鬼游戏”现在玩得正相反。

His uncle was as mean as his father had been upright.───他的叔叔为人卑鄙,不像他的父亲很正直。

unfortunately, this hypothesis cannot be ruled out as mean baseline heart rate was not given.───但是,由于未考虑到基础心率,因而这一假说不能被排除。

Culturally, the bourgeoisie has been regarded, from Moliere to Balzac, as mean, avaricious, tasteless, reactionary and rapacious.───在文化方面,从莫里哀到巴尔扎克都认为资产阶级是卑鄙,贪婪,庸俗,反动和好掠夺的。


The results are expressed as mean daily blood loss.

Thurmond is as mean in his dotage as he was in his younger days.

He's as mean as they come.

Data are expressed as mean percentage of T cells binding from three replicate wells; lines represent standard errors.

They were computerized, all young enough to be looking for promotion and supposedly as mean as hell.

Statistics such as mean and the root mean square (RMS) of the velocity and the scalar field compares well with the experimental measurements.

She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell.

He looked as mean as ever, a pallid, unsmiling figure in black-suede jacket and very shiny black shoes.

The statistical methods used are general statistical description (such as mean and standard deviation), repetitive measurement deviation analysis, clustering analysis and multiple linear regression.
