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the first people

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
the first people发音

the first people




the first couple───第一对夫妇

the first family───第一家庭

the good people───(神话中的)仙妖;好人

the First State───第一州

the first fruits───第一批水果

the first thing───首先要做的事;立即

the people───人民;民众

to dispeople───分散

in the first place───首先;起初


He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.───他是鸟类摄影中最先使用高速闪光灯的人之一。

Who were the first people to preach to Gentiles?───谁第一个向外邦人传道的?

The first people known to have settled in England were Celts.───已知的最早在英国定居的民族是凯尔特人。

Jim Bakker told me that when he got out of prison one of the first people to befriend him was Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham.───吉姆告诉我他刚获释的时候,第一个跟他结交的人就是葛培理的儿子葛弗林。

The High Court in London heard that the two women were the first people ever to be prosecuted for contempt of court involving the internet.───在伦敦高级法院获悉,这两个女人的case是有史以来涉及互联网蔑视法庭的第一桩case。

Three of the first people he talked to asked if the senator's second name was really Hussein and if it was true he was a Muslim.───在他首批交谈的人中,有3人问及奥巴马参议员的中间名是否真是侯赛因,以及他是否真的是穆斯林。

This is how much of the northern plains must have looked when the first people arrived.───这也许是第一批来到此处的人类在北方草原看到的景象。

The first people to apologize, is not necessarily wrong to her, but she learned to understand.───最先道歉的人,不一定就是她错了,而是她学会理解了。

And I was one of the first people they probably had ever seen.───而我可能是他们见到的第一个人类。


The first people to leave went off hastily, while others lingered, girding themselves for the streets.

Blonde Sue was one of the first people at his hospital bedside in Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Were you one of the first people to bring a minicom into the UK?

Roscoe Heyward was one of the first people to leave the boardroom.

They were the first people to cultivate taro.

He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.

But they're the first people in the country to benefit from a revolutionary kind of wheelchair; the Sapphire.

A : Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada.

Pirates were the first people to rebel against this world.
