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choose between

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
choose between发音

choose between



come between───分开;干涉;阻碍;在…中间

came between───分开;干涉;阻碍;在…中间

comes between───分开;干涉;阻碍;在…中间

to come between───介于两者之间

coming between───分开;干涉;阻碍;在…中间

little to choose between───没什么可选择的

choose a hotel───选择酒店


horse bean───马蚕豆;[园艺]蚕豆


When they have to choose between quality and price, quality usually comes off second - best.───他们在质量和价格作取舍时, 往往要牺牲质量.

Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.───莱森不得不在娶她和保住工作之间作出选择。

You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.───常可在纯白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。

You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.───你通常可在原白色或彩色带图案的围巾中进行选择。

There is very little to choose between the world's top tennis players.───世界顶级网球运动员之间往往难分伯仲。

If forced to choose between the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you.───倘使不得已而要对在监狱与白宫里度过四年作一选择的话, 我会说——监狱, 谢谢.

She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.───她不得不在放弃工作和雇用保姆之间作出选择。

Point for point there is little to choose between them.───一点一点地对比他们都不相上下.

There's nothing to choose between them.───它们之间无可选择.

It is difficult to choose between two such nice houses.───两幢房子都这么漂亮,让人难以做出抉择.

I had to choose between staying with my parents and going abroad.───留下来跟父母在一起还是出国,我必须作出选择.

I had to choose between the two jobs.───我得在两份工作之间作出选择。

The sons of Adam must constantly choose between good and evil.───亚当的子孙经常对善恶作出抉择.

Do we have to choose between the economy and the environment?───是不是我们不得不在经济和环境中做出选择?

She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.───她得在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出抉择.

If I had to choose between fish and chicken I'd prefer the former, ie fish.───若让我在鱼和鸡之间选择其一,我要前者(即鱼).

They must choose between two evenly matched candidates for governor.───他们必须在两位不相上下的州长候选人之间作出选择。

Leave it to you to choose between the two methods.───任你在这两种方法中作出抉择.


She had to choose between the two.

You must choose between the two men.

There's nothing to choose between them.

She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.

I had to choose between the two jobs.

We had to choose between death and dishonour.

He had to choose between death and dishonour.

She had to choose between the two men in her life.

It is difficult to choose between two such nice houses.
