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ceiling height

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
ceiling height发音

ceiling height




Sterling Heights───斯特灵海茨(美国密歇根州东南部城市)

combining weight───[化学]化合量

failing eyesight───视力下降

airing freight───[航]航空运费;[航]空运的货物

ceiling price───最高限价

ceiling prices───最高限价

leading light───重要人物(等于leadingluminary);[水运]导航灯(等于rangelight)

reading light───阅读灯

regain weight───重拾重量


The two flats on the top floor differ due to the changing ceiling height.───由于天花板高度的改变,顶层的两户公寓有所不同。

Integral front lamp, front ceiling height lamp, side mark lamp.───组合前照灯,前顶示高灯,车身侧标志灯,高位刹车灯。

The ceiling height within some units may vary due to structural or architectural design requirements.───部分住宅单位之天花高度将会因应结构或建筑上的需要而有所差异.

All windows are floor to ceiling height and can be shielded from the sun.───所有的窗户都是从地面到天花的通高遮阳落地窗.

I see . What is the ceiling height?───好的,这里的楼底高度是几多?

The ceiling height in the secondary spaces is 3 m.───次要空间天花板的高度是3米。


His room looks as if the contents were emptied into it from ceiling height.
