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universal robots

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
universal robots发音

universal robots



universal donors───普通供血者;万能供血者

universal joints───[机]万向节

universal motors───交直流两用马达

universal credits───通用福利金

universal donor───普通供血者;万能供血者

universal joint───[机]万向节;[机]万向接头

universal motor───交直流两用马达

universal sets───通用集(合);[数]泛集;[数]万有集

universal access───普及高等教育;[计]通用存取


Yves Behar expects a world full of robots and artificial intelligence with a vast amount of humans receiving universal income.───伊夫·贝哈尔则认为全世界充斥着机器人和人工智能,很多人们的收入来自全球各地。

R, (which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Capek, marks the first use of the word "robot" to describe an artificial person.───R(意为罗素姆的全能机械人),标志着“机器人”这个词汇首次被用于对人造人的描述。


R.U.R, (which stands for Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Capek, marks the first use of the word “robot” to describe an artificial person.

Capek invented the word "robot" in his 1921 play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), when he introduced the concept of human-like creations capable of doing dull repetitive tasks.

R, (which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Capek, marks the first use of the word “robot” to describe an artificial person.
