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book day

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
book day发音

book day



book bag───书包,书袋

good day───日安(白天见面或分手时的招呼)

work day───工作日

book early───提前预定

book bags───书包,书袋

book fair───书展,书籍义卖

work days───工作日

book end───书夹,书挡

book in───登记;预定


Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.───她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

Journalist: World Book day is coming and the topic about reading is hot. Finally What does reading bring to us today?───记者:世界读书日快到了,阅读的话题又开始热起来。在今天这个时代,读书到底还能给我们带来什么?

World Book Day event.───世界书日的活动。

Journalist: World Book Day is coming, and the topic of reading began to heat up. In this age, what can we exactly gain from reading?───记者:世界读书日快到了,阅读的话题又开始热起来。在今天这个时代,读书到底还能给我们带来什么?


The Associated Press likening it to being trapped "in a small room with a very gregarious man who insists on reading his entire appointment book, day by day, beginning in 1946.

Accountant Zhang entered the day's business conditions into the account book day before she goes home.

The lake is like an open book, day like the steady gaze of a reader.
