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camp with

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
camp with发音

camp with



came up with───提出;想出;赶上

tamper with───篡改;贿赂;胡乱摆弄

chime with───与……相一致

camp fire───营火

camp out───野营

camp pie───罐装肉

camp pies───罐装肉




Do you want to go summer camp with us?───你想和我们一起去夏令营吗?

Shaukat lives at the camp with his four children.───肖卡特和他的四个孩子一起住在帐篷里。

He 'Apocalypse Now 'ed into the camp with his helicopter" he said.───他就像电影《现代启示录》里那样,开着直升机来到营地,”他说。

They left him in the camp with plenty of food , and with his two dogs, Skeet and Blackie.───他们把他留在营地,备下大量食物和两条狗,斯开特和布莱吉。

Girardi called the long man "pretty important" but said the club could break camp with no lefthanded reliever on the team.───吉拉迪称长中继是“相当重要的”但又说球队的牛棚可以打破传统不放左投手。

They went to training camp with one goal in mind. This was going to be their season, and except for a few minor missteps, it was.───本赛季他们来到训练场只有一个目标,那就是让本赛季成为他们的赛季,少犯低级错误。

David then asked Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, "Who will go down into the camp with me to Saul? "───大卫对赫人亚希米勒和洗鲁雅的儿子约押的兄弟亚比筛说,谁同我下到扫罗营里去。

So, I think it'll be great motivation going into training camp, with the new guys understanding where we're trying to take this team.───所以,我认识这将是训练营的最大的动力,带着这群小伙子,我们会知道我们将从哪里开始起步,去承担起这支队伍。

In years past, Beijing repeatedly drove islanders into the independence camp with its fiery rhetoric and ham-handed military threats.───在过去,北京曾因为激烈的言辞和严厉的军事威胁把岛民逼到独立阵营。


Teenage girls returned from that camp with stories of speaking in tongues and exorcising evil spirits.

Henderson broke camp with the Padres in a reserve role.

Opposite the hotel was a refugee camp with children who were constantly trying to part unwary tourists from their money.

Polly finally left the peace camp with the gap that Jack had left in her heart and soul still not filled.

He missed most of training camp with a hamstring pull.

In Germany Obama toured the Buchenwald concentration camp with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, who survived internment in the camp.

Brown had been hobbled since training camp with a balky left knee that caused him pain from the second day of practice.

That night at camp, with 23 miles still ahead of us, we took stock.

The YMCA is running a day camp with crafts, sports, and water fun.
