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small amounts

围观: 归属:英语词典 时间:2021-10-31 00:00
small amounts发音

small amounts



small amount───小额;小批量

small alkanes───小烷烃

small hours───n.午夜以后;下半夜

small prints───(协议等上面用小号字体写成的)附属细则

small towns───市镇


taxable amounts───[税收]应税金额

share accounts───[金融]股金帐户;股金账户

small calories───小热量


Flours contain very small amounts of sugars which are metabolizable by yeast.───面粉中一般都含有少量的糖,它们是酵母的代谢产生的.

It produces only small amounts of very fine wool.───这种小动物每年只能产出非常少量的绒毛.

Sweat consists of water with small amounts of urea and salts.───汗液是由水和少量尿素和盐构成的.

However, this input mechanism should only be used to enter very small amounts of text.───不过, 这种方法仅仅适合输入很少量的文字.

You should choose paper with small amounts of printing.───你应该选择那种尽量少印刷的纸张.

Money was used rarely and in small amounts; it was exclusively Roman.───货币很少使用,数量有限, 而且只是罗马钱币.

Calcitic limestone is mainly CaCo 3 with relatively small amounts of impurities.───方解石灰岩,主要是由CaCo3和少量的杂质所形成.

Shortstop – someone that bets small amounts and doesn't bet often.───散客–一位不经常出现的赌客,而且注码金额不大.

Try consuming small amounts of milk with meals.───尝试吃饭的时候吃一些少量的乳制品。

The idea is to lend small amounts of money to the poor.───这个想法是借给穷人小数目的钱.

Plants generally absorb and translocate relatively small amounts of arsenic into aboveground parts.───植物常常将少量的砷吸收和转移到地上部分.

A patient is injected with small amounts the allergy - causing substance.───患者被注射少量的导致过敏的物质.

Pain-killers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.───小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。

Of course, although I was giving, it was always small amounts.───当然, 我布施的也总是小数目.

Also found in small amounts in low - alloy structural steels.───在低合金结构钢中也有少量发现.

Applications that use UDP typically transfer small amounts of data time.───使用UDP的应用软件一般一次只传送少量的数据.

Researchers found small amounts of fat, as well as a large amount of stone and the remains of paths.───研究人员发现了少量的脂肪,以及大量的石头和道路遗迹。


Pain-killers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.

Regular investment of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.

Very small amounts can be dealt with by the body causing no long term harm.

By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market.

Small amounts will be paid in cash.

Better to feed small amounts at regular intervals.

If you have just small amounts of leftover grapefruit or sweet oranges, you may want to feed them to wildlife.

Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.

Small amounts of land were used for keeping animals.
